Experiences and eXperiences: a Subjective Perspective
Cristian Rusu
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile
Abstract: “Abilities” and “Xperiences” are well-known and intensely scrutinized in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). A lot of work was done on usability and User eXperience (UX). Both concepts are still evolving, and other related concepts arise. “Xperiences” are usually extending the related “abilities”. UX extends usability. If we consider playability as a particular kind of usability, we may also consider that player experience is a particular kind of UX (the player’s one), and we may say that player experience extends the playability concept. We may also particularize UX to other users/fields. For instance, we may consider that “programmer experience” is related to programing environments, but also to any kind of artifacts that a programmer uses. A particularly interesting concept is Customer eXperience (CX). Traditionally, CX is related to the Service Science field, and is relatively new in HCI. The talk expresses author’s (subjective) point of view on “abilities” and “Xperiences”, and their relevance in HCI.
Cristian Rusu is full professor at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV), in Chile, and was associate professor at the former North University of Baia Mare, Romania. He is PhD in Electrical Engineering/Applied Informatics from Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. He worked in several software companies and research institutes in Romania and Chile. Since 2002 he has been fully dedicated to academia. His research interests focus on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), User eXperience, Customer eXperience, and Service Science. Former Chair of the Chilean ACMSIGCHI Chapter, he is also the head of the “UseCV” Research Group in HCI at PUCV, which he founded back in 2007. He organized HCI conferences and sessions, and serves on editorial boards and conference program committees. He published 125 papers and 16 books. He gave over 30 invited lectures, seminars and tutorials.